Our expertise in video marketing strategy will shape the style and direction of your video.
We’ll start by defining your strategy . Then we’ll plan your video, create a storyboard and a script, followed by filming, producing and editing.
We’ll film live footage - on location, or in a studio, or with a green screen. We’ll film 360 degree footage or use a drone.
create animation
, either using CGI, hand-drawn techniques, a whiteboard style, or an explainer-style.
All your video’s elements come together post-production, including sound, music, animation , titles and computer graphics . We’ll edit your video and bring the footage to life.
We keep up with fast-moving technology, whether that’s using drones, 360 degree footage or 4K footage. We’ll use a video style that’s most appropriate for your platform and target audience - including ‘live streaming’ and ‘selfie’ styles.